The army and nationalgendarmerie would oversee the service.
On the campaign trail last year, the president promised to shake up the state's response with a new militarized police force, or nationalgendarmerie.
When it found a flaw in Retadup's command and control server communications protocol, it alerted the French NationalGendarmerie, who in turn seized the servers.
People talk to members of Argentina's NationalGendarmerie in a secured area, ahead of the Group 20 summit, in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 29, 2018.
There is the Police Nationale, the GendarmerieNationale and the Préfecture de Police.
The French national art crime squad employs thirty dedicated officers in Paris and is led by a full colonel of the GendarmerieNationale.
Ús de french gendarmerie en anglès
Half-an-hour later, a helicopter from the FrenchGendarmerie (we were in the French part of the Pyrenees) came around.
The rescue of the woman and her seven-day-old child was performed by Frenchgendarmerie in Ivory Coast's war-torn main city, Abidjan.
And five hundred years later, the contributors to the great philosophic "Encyclopaedia" were under the constant supervision of the Frenchgendarmerie.